Posted on Sep 3rd, 2009 by Allison (Reviews/Recommendations)

Frost DoughnutsI enjoyed my last Frost doughnut (or 4) on Tuesday.

You see, after taking the summer off of my hcg diet, and having put on a few more pounds than I’d like (due, in no small part to Frost, I might add), I am back to my very restrictive eating plan again.

The good news is I’ve already lost over 2 lbs. The sad news is no more Frost Doughnuts.

What is a Frost Doughnut you ask?

A charming new, locally owned doughnut shop opened in Mill Creek Town Center this summer. Doughnuts are not my usual treat of choice (though I would never pass up an offer of a warm Krispy Kreme) – but this place has a special charm and I decided to try them out.

frost-maple-baconI started with a maple bar (my favorite). OMG, it was the best – I mean the THE BEST, melt-in-your-mouth maple bar I’d ever eaten. I knew right away that Frost was going to be trouble.

I made the mistake of joining Frost’s Facebook page – and began receiving daily updates on what deliciousness was being served up.  I saw the most intriguing names, such as Southern Red Velvet, White Chocolate Truffle, Aztec Chocolate, Tropical Storm, and many, many more.   They called to me……

Hannah is oh, so helpful at FrostsHannah got to know me pretty well over the next month or so…. I’d walk in and she’d tell me immediately if they were out of maple bars. Sometimes I could turn around and walk right back out.

Other times, I couldn’t resist the temptation to try other flavors. She was exceedingly evil and gave me a sample of the Smoky Bacon Maple Bar, pictured above.   Yes, that’s bacon on the top.  Sounds strange but it’s delicious.

I should mention that the same week Frost opened, Top Pot Doughnuts (who claim to be “the best”) opened in the University Book Store – literally just a walk across the parking lot from Frost. Top had a “free doughnut” coupon in the local paper so I decided to try and compare. I got a maple bar, of course, and it was HUGE. But it was dry and cakey – not at all like my melty, sweet Frost maple bar.  No comparison – Frost wins, hands down.

Southern Red VelvetThe traditional Maple Bar is my favorite, but I also tried and enjoyed Southern Red Velvet (with cream cheese frosting), and found myself craving the moist Cherry Bomb now and then.  The Aztec Chocolate were sinful.  The Wedding Cake doughnut tasted just like white wedding cake topped with buttercream frosting.  Lots more varieties to be sampled, but the maple bars usually win out.

But now, sadly, my love affair with Frost has ended – at least for 2009. I’m sure one day I will again walk in and indulge in another yummy maple bar…. but not for awhile.

Until then, I encourage you to stop in at Frost Doughnuts next time you’re in Mill Creek. The ambiance is charming, the staff friendly and the culinary offerings delicious. And they offer free wi-fi. It’s a “feel good” kind of place owned by three friends who live just up the street.

Frost Doughnuts on UrbanspoonLast night as I drove by, I noticed the store was filled with happy customers, sitting up to the bar chatting happily and enjoying their coffee and doughnuts. It warmed my heart.

What is your favorite doughnut flavor?

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Posted on Jun 8th, 2009 by Allison (Music / Entertainment, Reviews/Recommendations)

I rarely see a movie at the theater anymore, preferring the convenience, comfort and affordability of Netflix.  However, I do make exceptions.    Saw Angels & Demons with Kathleen while in Salt Lake (really enjoyed it) and took in Star Trek yesterday.  Loved it.   Some films just have to be seen on the big screen.   And one of the benefits of a movie at the theater is upcoming previews.

Here were the movies  I previewed at the theatre last night – along with my desire, or lack thereof, to see them.

Public EnemiesPublic Enemies.    I love Johnny Depp – and Christian Bale ain’t too shabby. This looks like it will be pretty good, though violent. It’s a “wait for Netflix” movie.

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.     Definite theatre movie.  Can’t wait.

Transformers:  Revenge of the Fallen  –  meh.  No interest in seeing this at the theater or at home.

A dumb movieYear One.    LOL…  This looks like it will be a really dumb movie – typical Jack Black fare (and Mike Cera), but the previews made me laugh despite myself.   I think I’ll wait for netflix.

G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra. Ummm.  Not sure I’ll want to see this…

Are you looking forward to any of these movies?   Seen any previews that made you really want to see the movie – or really want to stay away from it??

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Posted on Apr 11th, 2009 by Allison (Reviews/Recommendations)

Oh, Kuhn Rikon Epicurean Garlic Press, how did I live without you for so long???

I’m really not much of a cook (I prefer baking) – but man, oh man, cooking just got a whole lot easier in my kitchen. I can’t believe I’ve been chopping garlic by hand all this time.

What kitchen tool(s) can YOU not live without?

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Posted on Apr 4th, 2009 by Allison (Funny Stuff, Reviews/Recommendations)

I heard an interview with the fabulous Isabella Rossellini on NPR today – and learned of this insightful yet hysterical educational project she’s doing for the Sundance Channel.  

Each of these videos is only about 2 minutes long, and explores the sex life of a bug or sea creature.   I learned a lot. I had a hard time deciding which to post as your introduction…   several of them made me burst out laughing. 

I give you snail porno.  I warn you… snails are pretty kinky

You really need to go to The Sundance Channel website and watch all of these. Season one was about bugs – spiders, worms, praying mantis, etc. Season two has sea creatures – limpets, whales, starfish, etc.

Please go watch them and tell me which are your favorites.

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Posted on Mar 18th, 2009 by Allison (Reviews/Recommendations)

The Lovely BonesAnd now, another thrilling book review….

I picked up The Lovely Bones at SeaTac airport on my way to Kauai last week.  I didn’t know anything about it, though the name was familiar and I liked the cover.    It was a good choice (in contrast to the bad choice I made last time I purchased a book at the airport.)

I give this book 8 out of 10 clams.  Clam ratings

Loved the book.  It was unexpected and charming – which sounds a bit strange when you know the story is about a murdered 14 year old girl named Susie Salmon.  The entire story is told from her perspective, in her heaven, as she recalls events and watches over her family and friends (as well as her murderer) as they try to cope with her loss and rebuild their lives. 

It’s a story about relationships, personal discovery, loss and longing – with a bit of mystery and suspense woven in.  Beautiful characters.   It is sweet and sad – and very well written.  If any of that appeals to you – and if you haven’t done so – I highly recommend The Lovely Bones to you.   I understand that Peter Jackson has directed a movie based on the book, to be released in December….  so certainly read it before you see then film.

OK, so that wasn’t a particularly thrilling review (I admit it, I’m lazy with my reviews) but it was a lovely book and I’d love to hear if you read it and how you liked it.

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Posted on Feb 10th, 2009 by Allison (Reviews/Recommendations)

the appealLast night I finally finished reading “The Appeal” by John Grisham – this is my brief review.

Normally, I’m a big fan of John Grisham. Normally when I start reading a book, I have a hard time putting it down. This book took me 4 weeks to finish…. frankly, it’s not up to his usual standard and was a bit of a let down.

I give it 3 out of 10 clams.

Have you read The Appeal? Do you agree with my assessment? Or did you like it better than I did?

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Posted on Feb 7th, 2009 by Allison (Reviews/Recommendations, Whatever)

So, on my 25 Random Things list I shared that I had lost 49 lbs since August 15th.  Make that 54 lbs as of today.  Several of you asked how I’m doing it – so here is your answer.

scales-feet.jpgI was lean as a teenager….  but, everything changed with my first pregnancy.   My weight has been up and down a lot over the years – far more up than down the past 10.   And at 47 was finding that nothing was working… didn’t matter how little I ate, how active I was, I just wasn’t seeing results. 

I felt better when I went on regular walks, went to Curves 3 times a week, and watched what I ate – but I wasn’t losing any weight.   In fact, I had vowed to never “diet” again – since it seems like every time I do, I lose weight, but then gain it back plus more.  My doctor suggested I look at the Lapband (it had worked for her), but I wasn’t prepared to consider a surgical option.

Last summer, I was made aware of this weight loss protocol – and was completely resistant to it at first. But I started researching it and (even though I had vowed I wasn’t going to tell anyone, in case it didn’t work), I enlisted the help of my sister – who was also looking for alternatives to shed some weight. Honestly, she did most of the research Kristin and I both decided it was the best option we had. So I found a local naturopath who offered it, we made an appointment and jumped in.

hCG Protocol by Dr. Albert Simeons 

It’s not for the faint of heart, though it is the simplest, most effective way I’ve found.  There are naysayers who claim it doesn’t work… but I and many others are living proof it does.  And, frankly,  if you have a negative view of the hCG diet, I’d prefer you keep it to yourself.   I’m not sharing this information to recruit others to try this – just to share what is working for me, because I was asked.

Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted on Dec 24th, 2008 by Allison (Reminiscing, Reviews/Recommendations)

SnowstormI’m here in the middle of one of the biggest snow storms in Seattle history…   I’ve only been out twice in the past week – grocery shopping.  Today it took me nearly 30 minutes to dig my car out from under the foot of snow.   And more is in the forecast tonight – so it looks like it will be a white Christmas.  Which brings me to the point of my post – holiday movies.

I remember as a kid looking forward to the annual “Charlie Brown Christmas“, “How The Grinch Stole Christmas” and “Rudolph” specials on TV.   But there are also some great holiday themed movies.

There are classics like “White Christmas” and newer fare such as “Elf” – but I think one of my favorite holiday movies is “Love Actually“.  I know it’s not, actually, a holiday movie – but it does take place during the holidays and I really enjoy it.  

Let’s make a list and check it twice.  What are some of your favorite holiday movies?   Are there any you watch every year no matter what?  Any holiday movie traditions?

NOTE:  One of the weirdest movie traditions I ever participated in was at the Pearce family Christmas party.  The first year was ok – someone video taped it.  But the next year, our “entertainment” was watching the previous year’s taped party!!   And the following year we watched it again!!!!   Man, those Pearces know how to party…..     

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Meet Amy HaaseMeet Amy Haase. I like her, and here’s why.

Last night, Kristin & Craig were in town and invited me to join them for dinner at Machiavelli’s in Seattle.  

Can I just go off topic here for a minute and rave again about the food at this little restaurant???    Deciding between the Chicken Milanese and the Tortellini Formaggio with Cream Sauce, Proscuitto and Peas is always a daunting task. (I went with the Chicken Milanese with roasted veggies on the side – Kris opted for the Tortellini and we shared a bit with each other).  Craig enjoyed the Chicken al Forno with a side of Spaghetti (which he rated 9 on a scale of 10).

Simply put, Machiavelli’s is the BEST Italian food I have ever had – surprisingly affordable, and in my top 3 restaurants of all time…  don’t ask what the other 2 are, I haven’t decided, just leaving the spots open.   Personally, I think it would be worth your while to make a trip to Seattle just to eat at this little gem. But you have to invite me to join you, of course.

This was Craig’s first visit – perhaps he can tell you if it lived up to all of the hype……

OK, back to Amy. After dinner, we drove back to Molbak’s (where I had left my car) and Kristin and I ran in for a potty break while Craig ran an errand to a man store (auto parts). As we were waiting for his return, we gandered at the billions of poinsettias, and I convinced Kristin to sit in front of the giant poinsettia tree so I could take her photo. She was reluctant, but agreed.

Amy and KristinWhile sitting on the bench waiting for me to snap a shot, she said “I feel silly.”

And at that moment, a fellow shopper says “I’ll sit with you!

Delighted, we laughed and invited her to do so, and she did.

Amy is a spontaneous, fun and thoughtful person – stepped outside herself to try and help someone else feel more comfortable – just the sort of person we’d love to get to know. We learned she has been living in North Carolina, but is looking to make a return to Seattle (where her family lives.) We hope you do, Amy!

After all this excitement, Kristin discovered she needed another potty break – and I, apparently, needed to amuse myself while waiting for her.

Potty breakSo I stuck my camera over the stall to snap her photo – and found the shot I captured to be absolutely hysterical. Don’t ask me why.  Maybe I was drunk with the joy of my Machiavelli meal and our encounter with Amy, but I showed Kristin the photo, and we both came out of the bathroom with tears running down our cheeks, barely able to breathe from laughter. Craig thought we were nuts. I think he’s probably right.

What fun people have you met in unexpected ways and places?

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Posted on Nov 24th, 2008 by Allison (Reviews/Recommendations)

Twilight - The MovieAshley and I saw Twilight yesterday with a theater full of adoring fans… including some very silly girls who screamed and clapped when Edward first appeared on the screen….

First off, it was great having some mother-daughter-movie time.  Just fun to go hang out.  I miss being able to do that, so we must take advantage of the opportunity whenever it arises.     It was also great to have reserved seats.

The movie was….  good.  Not great, not bad.  Better than ok.  Some characters seemed well very cast (Bella, Alice, Dr. Cullen, and Jacob in particular) and others were good, but not outstanding.  Bella and Edward had definite chemistry on screen.  Edward (actor) didn’t bug me as much as I thought he would – he was pretty good… but he wasn’t perfect for the role.  Laurent had a fabulous chest.  Character development was limited, and important characters weren’t given enough screen time. – It all felt a bit too shallow to capture the intensity of feeling in the book.  Felt more like a Cliff Notes version.    I’m not sure someone seeing the movie without having read the book would really “get” the depth of the story.

I could have done without the weird tree climbing scene (not part of the book, as I recall), and I was disappointed in the sunlight meadow experience.  It surprises me they didn’t spend a bit more on making this film, knowing how very popular it was.

Of course the scenery in the movie was spectacular – it’s such a beautiful area.  Though almost everything had a blue cast to it that I didn’t see that much either time I visited… 

So see the movie – it was a fun afternoon diversion.  And I’ll look forward to on screen sequels.  But it really doesn’t live up to the standard of the book, imo.

Have you seen Twilight?  What did you think?

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