Posted on Jun 25th, 2008 by Allison (Funny Stuff, Whatever)

I manage over a dozen email addresses – and a couple of them have gotten onto junk mail lists, receiving hundreds of spam emails a day.  Thank heaven for spam arrest which stops them from getting to my inbox. 

I do have to check the filter every few days to see if legitimate mail is stuck, and when I do, I am faced with some of the must ridiculous subject lines.  Some are really stupid, others totally crack me up.  Here are a few of the more memorable ones of late:

  • What a stupid face you have allison
  • Does this look illegal?
  • Bomb her womb from your huge cannon!
  • Have you ever felt the kiss of a womb?
  • Satisfy your woman, you pin dick!
  • Help your little soldier stand taller

Noticing a theme?   What is the deal with the obsession with the “male member”?  And can any man’s penis ever live up to the expectations of these emails??? 

What memorable spam subject lines have you received?

(5) Comments   


craig on June 25th, 2008 at 7:50 am

Ok, we’ve had the same thought. Several weeks ago I started collecting some of those subject lines, with the same idea of possibly positng them sometime. Here’s some from my list:

Have no money for girls or cars?
Swell copies of sumptuous items
Free time job, regular salary
We offer you happiness
cheap soft (what does that even mean?)

and of course the obligatory:
More meat is never excessive

Ashley Rae on June 25th, 2008 at 12:11 pm

Those are great. I wish I would have written down some of the better ones I’ve received in the past. But yes, it’s so dumb that they are nearly all targeted toward enlarging the male organ.

What is the deal with the stupid face one? That is just plain silly.

Here are some I’ve seen recently in my junk box:

Let her remember your member
Is there sex on Mars?
Poke her with your poker stick

Allison on June 26th, 2008 at 4:14 am

Yeah, there’s another variation of the stupid face one…

“You look really stupid here allison”

I also get lots of offers for free porn, debt reduction, designer watches, handbags and footwear, all sorts of pills… but the most entertaining (and most voluminous) are the “male enhancement” offers.

My favorites are those which are obviously written by non-english speakers, like this one:

You must be The Real Man with huge dignity


John on June 27th, 2008 at 6:30 pm

I think many/most are non-native English writers, but I also think they may be an attempt to find words that won’t trigger SPAM filters.

Rick Braddy on August 3rd, 2008 at 6:50 pm

I totally agree. SpamArrest is a tremendous tool. It’s given me back a part of my life I didn’t realize was gone… days without fighting the “spam war” going on in my email inbox and spam folder.

I have several online businesses, and email is virtually a way of life – or at least of way of doing business…

Between GMail and SpamArrest, I now wake up in “email heaven” every day…

I now have time to visit great blogs (I love the the silence of the clams, by the way – great name).

I posted my blog address here, in case anyone’s interested in all the details of my email productivity trials and tribulations – which were finally solved by combining SpamArrest with GMail.

Happy emailing!


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