Posted on Sep 26th, 2011 by Allison (Costa Rica, Family/Friends, Photography, Travel)

So, as you may recall, I returned for another visit to Costa Rica again in June – this time to meet my newest granddaughter, Aysia Mae, born just a week before I arrived.

Isn’t she beautiful?

And doesn’t her family all look so happy to have her in their lives?

I love this family photo… and not just because everyone is color coordinated (yes, I brought clothes for them with me to make sure they would be 🙂 ) but because they look so content and happy… happier and more peaceful than I’ve ever seen them before. It warms my heart.

Brandon and family had moved from Grecia to Escazu, on the hills outside of San Jose. We spent most of our time just relaxing and enjoying each others’ company, rather than fitting in a lot of touring. But we still kept pretty busy.

We ate at some REALLY great restaurants (our meal at Taj Mahal Indian restaurant is a standout for me), visited the farmers market, saw “Tangled” (in Spanish), and attended two kids’ birthday parties and a playgroup, where I met more of the wonderful friends Brandon & Jen have made in Costa Rica.

We also spent three days in the jungly Puerto Viejo on the Caribbean side of Costa Rica. Even more great food to be found there. It was beautiful but very, very hot. And humid.

I carried my camera and 3 lenses with me EVERYWHERE because there was so much flora and fauna to be photographed….

Like the troop of howler monkeys that climbed and leaped through the bamboo trees around the house. (See video below) I saw more blue morpho butterflies than I could count. Not to mention the bug photos I previously posted.

We visited some of the most beautiful beaches I’ve ever seen…

…and of course I wanted to be ready to snap a photo of my darling granddaughters at any given moment 🙂

Although it was a pain in the butt (or the arm, actually) carting my camera around was a good thing considering the house we were renting was broken into while we were at dinner one night. Upon returning, we discovered thieves had taken 2 Macbooks, 3 iPads, a camera, 3 backpacks and assorted other items. I was spared because my laptop was hidden in very obscure place – and I never let my camera equipment/ipad out of my sight. I felt really lucky.

Ironically, I returned home to discover that, while away, I had been robbed of over $3600 in jewelry, over $3500 in cash and assorted other small items. Sadly, it was by someone I know and I am very disappointed that my trust has been betrayed. (About $500 in cash has been returned so far).

Fortunately, my son recovered one of his laptops a few weeks later because he had installed the free Prey Project software. Yeah, Prey! (Yes, I have it on both my computers!)

I know you’re probably tired of bug photos – but I want to share one more. I saved a pretty blue damselfly from drowning by fishing him out of the swimming pool, then held it on my finger and my skirt for about half an hour til it’s wings dried enough to open and close. Once he could hold himself upright, I set him on a begonia petal – where he kindly posed for me for another 20 minutes before flying away.

Kind of cute, don’t you think?

I’m still sorting through the hundreds of photos I took and will let you know when I’ve got more ready for viewing. I figured if I waited til I got them ready to be posted, it could be months before I posted anything. But I’ll get to them. In the meantime, enjoy these few and this brief video that will give you an insight into the wonderful sights and sounds of Costa Rica!

I’m looking forward to the possibilities of visiting my family again – but this time in Southeast Asia. Brandon and Jen are moving to Malaysia before the year is over!

(12) Comments   


Brandon Pearce on September 27th, 2011 at 6:17 am

Oh, these are such great photos and great memories! Thank you for posting this. The video was wonderful, too — you got great footage of those howlers!

It’s still disappointing to have been robbed, not just for the lost stuff, but for the feeling of being unsafe. I’m mostly over it now, but we’re a lot more cautious now about leave our stuff laying around, even at home. I don’t want to go through that again, if we can avoid it, even though Prey does help. 🙂

We LOVE Costa Rica, the natural beauty, and the friends we’ve made here. But we’re also excited to go explore other parts of the world. Hope to see you in Malaysia! (And briefly in Washington next month! Yay!)

Jennifer Pearce on September 27th, 2011 at 6:21 am

What a fun treat it was to see a new Costa Rica blogpost this morning!! Thank you for the trip down memory lane. 🙂 Your videos and photos are always so well done and so much fun too. I adore that blue damselfly photo on the begonia leaf. We are so excited to see you again soon!

Jana on September 27th, 2011 at 6:51 am

What an amazing adventure! Beautiful pictures, and I love the big blue bug eyes. Looking forward to seeing the pictures from your next adventure in Malasia.

Jean on September 27th, 2011 at 8:29 am

Love your blog.. and I enjoy your bug pictures, you have a gift.

Michelle on September 27th, 2011 at 2:20 pm

Wonderful photos! I especially loved the close up of the bug eyes and that sweet baby girl with her head back asleep. What a beautiful family and they do look very happy and relaxed.

So sorry to hear of your theft! Good Lord it was someone you knew? A neighbor?

Ashley Rae on September 27th, 2011 at 2:33 pm

Those pictures are so great. I LOVE that little dragon fly. He is so adorable.

Brandon’s family really does look so happy and peaceful… I’m glad they’re enjoying their life (lives) to the fullest.

Great video as well. Glad you updated! I love seeing all of the pictures and reading the commentary 🙂

Allison on September 27th, 2011 at 2:47 pm

@Michelle – no, worse. Sadly it was a relative who I had hired to do some work for me. She claims it was a friend she let into my house (without my permission) but I know most, if not all, was taken by her. I don’t even know if the friend exists. Sad, sad what drug addiction does. I keep getting promises of repayment – at least of the cash, the jewelry is long gone – but I’m not holding my breath.

Debra on September 27th, 2011 at 7:13 pm

Wow, what an emotional up and down post! I cannot believe thieves struck twice! I did read Brandon’s post also about the theft – great information on his site as well. I really need to check into those. Glad you get to go to Costa Rica. One day I’ll make it there, it’s on my bucket list. Congrats on being a grandma again! Adorable kiddies!

Irene on September 27th, 2011 at 7:29 pm

Wonderful pictures and video and I love reading your posts. You are a woman of soooooooooo many talents. I was trying to zro in on one or two of the photos that I liked best..But alas. I can’t pick just one or two!

Paul on September 29th, 2011 at 5:35 pm

Your websight is now making my pc freeze up. I thought I’d post from my I phone. I love the pix from costa rica. Since I dont plan on ever visiting this is the next best thing. Can’t wait to start seeing photos from Malaysia. I couldn’t open your vidio from my phone. Bummer. Signed freaked out to fly.

Anne Heartsong on September 30th, 2011 at 7:07 pm

Love your pictures! So sorry to hear of your theft, both in CR and home. I tried to install Prey Project but didn’t work. Worries me that they have my passwords now. Any ideas?

Kristin on October 1st, 2011 at 12:33 am

I always love seeing your pictures. That is a great on of the damselfly. Thank you rescuing him.

I am sorry I did not get to visit Brandon and Jen and family while they were in costa rica. But I am excited to see them in Hawaii. 🙂

Being robbed sucks. I remember how distressing it was when someone just broke into my car; I really hope I never have my house broken into (and hope none of you ever are again). I know one of the worst things for you is feeling betrayed after trying to help her out. And of course all the little personal things you keep discovering she has stolen. I am very sorry. 🙁

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