Posted on Jun 25th, 2011 by Allison (Costa Rica, Funny Stuff, Travel)

Since I arrived in Costa Rica two weeks ago, I have been delighted by the little frog who croaks outside my window at night. He makes me smile and laugh.

And I’ve commented on numerous occasions that I really want to see him! I want to see a frog – in the wild – while I’m here!

Well, tonight I got my wish. As we were leaving for dinner, I glanced out at the pool and noticed a dark green blob sitting on the floating lounger. Yes – a frog! It was dark, but I still managed to take a few photos of his royal sleekness.

When we returned from dinner, I glanced out to see if he was still there… and was shocked to see a bright green frog sitting in his place! But this one was sleeping.

Upon examination and review of the photos I’d taken before dinner, we determined it HAD to be the same frog – but a different color.

We wondered if perhaps there were a chance he could be a red-eyed tree frog… the coolest frog ever. Brandon looked online and discovered that they actually do change color to camouflage themselves. Brandon and I were positively giddy.

Brandon couldn’t resist the chance to hold him. I mean, come on – a tree frog floating in your pool? So he wet his hands (never pick up a frog with dry hands, it is bad for their skin) and gently picked up Floyd. (I just named him now).

Floyd really just wanted to sleep, but allowed Brandon to hold him for some photos.

I’ve never held a Red Eyed Tree Frog before (we really think it may be one), so I wet my hand and Brandon placed him on it. Where he comfortably and promptly went back to sleep. I think he’d have stayed there all night, so I decided it was time to put him back into the wild.

But as I tried to gently urge him off my hand, he leapt up and landed on my glasses.

I had a frog on my face! …Where he stayed, clinging to my hair, until I (several minutes later) attempted to disentangle him. He didn’t want to let go of my hair, but finally did… and climbed up and sat on top of my head.

Brandon finally retrieved him and was going to put him in the palm tree, but Floyd leapt out of his hands and into the pool, where he swam to the other side, climbed up and clinged to the side and went back to sleep.

I love frogs. And this was the best frog night ever.

(14) Comments   


Jean on June 25th, 2011 at 3:41 am

awesome frog pictures and delightful experience……

Ashley Rae on June 25th, 2011 at 8:19 am

Wow!!! Oh my goodness, that is so exciting! Haha! I love these pictures. I can’t believe he jumped on your face. Lol. What a sweet little frog. Sweet Floyd. I’m glad he was so willing to let you guys play with him 🙂

Paul on June 25th, 2011 at 8:45 am

great pictures. He seemed to like you a lot. Maybe he’ll stop by for another visit.

Kristin on June 25th, 2011 at 9:32 am

I love Floyd. Kermit Renaldo Floyd. I am so happy he came for a visit. A tree frog on your head. How delightful. 🙂

Jennifer Pearce on June 25th, 2011 at 12:24 pm

He was such a sweet little frog, and obviously really liked you too. I’m so glad he decided to come out of hiding and pay you a visit. 🙂

J'Neil on June 25th, 2011 at 12:45 pm

Oh! a Green frog! 🙂 Sounds like a lovely encounter. I’d love to have a froggy decide to leap on my face.

Kaylyn on June 25th, 2011 at 2:49 pm

I love him!!

Those pictures of the frog climbing up your glasses are priceless! Lucky you.

How long are you in Costa Rica again for?? Exciting!

Irene on June 25th, 2011 at 6:59 pm

Oh how fun for you . I’m so happy one of your wishes came true. He is a real cute little frog and what great pictures and YOU look so happy. What a neat experience.

Brandon on June 25th, 2011 at 9:44 pm

I was so surprised that we found this frog right at our house! He was so cute, and I didn’t know they could change color. I don’t know why he’s not as blue on the bottom as other red eyed tree frogs I’ve seen, but everything else looks like a red eyed tree frog, including the red eyes. Very fun night, especially when he jumped on your face!

Allison on June 26th, 2011 at 11:32 am

It has made the nightly croaking even more enjoyable.

Kaylyn, I’m here until Wednesday – home late that night…

[…] a good book or three this past weekend. Have a great week, and happy reading! And check out this cute frog! Views: […]

Robert on June 27th, 2011 at 8:06 am

He’s probably off posting on his frog blog to his frog friends about the American woman he had under him… (oops, that didn’t sound quite right did it?)

Margie Aliprandi on June 27th, 2011 at 9:07 pm

What a great story!! And what a precious little frog. I love Floyd. Great pics. So glad you got to hold him before leaving. xoxo

Anne Heartsong on June 27th, 2011 at 10:28 pm

Great pictures of the frog! He knew you were kindred spirits! <3

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