Posted on May 8th, 2009 by Allison (Family/Friends)

Brandon as a babyToday is the 29th birthday of my first born, Brandon Mark Pearce.  I can hardly believe that my darling little boy is a grown man!  How did that happen????

I was thinking about his childhood this week and thought I’d share a few memories.   

His birth was a both a joyous and frightening time… because although he arrived wide eyed and alert, the medical staff whisked him right away because his blood sugar level was near zero.    He was so tiny – looked like a little bird….   barely 5 lbs and nothing close to chubby.    But he was happy!

Brandon at Primary Children’s HospitalMore health issues were discovered – he was jaundiced, had issues with reflux and a heart murmer.  I spent my first mothers day in the hospital with my baby in ICU.   And one of the hardest things I’ve ever done was check out of LDS hospital to go home without him.  

I did get to bring him home a few days later – but soon afterward had to rush him to Primary Children’s Hospital where he underwent heart surgery to repair his PDA valve.    Fortunately it worked, and he’s been healthy ever since. The huge scar that wrapped half way around his tiny body is just a small smile of a scar under his arm today.

Catching a bubbleBrandon has always been very smart and creative.  He walked early, talked early and memorized many songs…. singing them perfectly in tune.  He said lots of cute, funny things that still make me smile today.   

Around age 3, after I’d been in a car accident and my face was bruised and in stitches – I asked him, “Does mommy look ugly?” – and he said, “Yeah, but that’s ok. We’ll just take this head off and buy you a new one at the store.” I’d love to share his Nanny/bathroom story but it might embarrass him. I will if he gives his permission 🙂

DagsFrom about age 3 to 4, Brandon called his reflection “Dags.” We don’t know why – but any time he’d see a picture of himself, or see him self in the mirror, he’s say, “that’s Dags.” He knew that HE was Brandon, but that other kid…. that was Dags.  Even a few years later, when he no longer called his reflection/current pics Dags, he saw a picture of himself at age 3 and said, “that’s Dags.”

When he was about 8 we were eating dinner at the Yummy Tree and, out of the blue, Brandon told me that he thought he might be an alien. He was dead serious. I asked him WHY he thought he was an alien….

Brandon & GroverWell, he felt ‘different’ from other kids…. and he couldn’t remember being born. How did he know I was his mother?!

I assured him that I remembered him being born, and I definitely WAS his mother…. though sometimes we do seem to be from different planets 🙂

Brandon has great motor-dexterity skills – before he could even walk, he’d sit on the floor amidst a pile of colorful bracelets, and one by one, pick them up one at a time and using his thumb and a finger, gracefully flip them over onto his arm.  Once they were all on his arm, he’d dump them off and start over again.

Brandon High SchoolHis keyboarding skills won him several awards in school – and benefitted his piano playing.  After only a year of lessons, he took on the challenge of teaching himself very difficult piano pieces.   A bit of a musical prodigy, I think….   he sings, plays piano, teaches others and is assistant director of the Utah Oratorio Society (as well as their web designer).

Brandon has always been very disciplined and organized – qualities that have certainly contributed to his current success.  Qualities which I don’t share, unfortuantely.   And he’s always wanted to be ‘righteous’ – not break any rules, etc.   Again, qualities which I don’t particularly share.     I never worried about him getting into trouble as a teenager – he was pretty much always home by 9 to follow his routine of 100 situps, pushups and scripture reading.   

Brandon & Ashley in KauaiI recall that at the end of either his junior or senior year of high school, he stopped home with a couple of friends around 9pm and asked if he could stay out late for a party.  I nearly cried for joy.  His friends thought I was nuts, but I literally jumped up and hugged him and said, “YES!!!! YES!!! Stay out as late as you want!!! G0 – have fun! Oh joy, you’re finally a TEENAGER!!!!”     LOL….

I knew Brandon was going to serve his mission in Japan and told him so.  Brandon has a very formal, respectful manner about him.  He actually ENJOYS wearing suits.  All that bowing and social formality in Japan came very naturally to him.   He served well and while he did I kept up a website for him to post some of his letters, pictures, etc.   It’s still up – though very outdated now.

Brandon is goofy!Brandon is also really goofy. He loves puns and silly humor. He has a rubber face and actually practices making strange faces in the mirror.  He thoroughly amuses his daughters, and it’s fun to watch how cute and playful he is with them.  When he and Ashley get together, they go particularly nuts – and are great fun.   And I have no idea where they get it from.

Seven years ago, he married the fabulous Jennifer Greene, and they have two beautiful daughters. 

Brandon has combined his music teaching experience with his web programming skills and created a very successful business called Music Teachers Helper.   He’s created a wonderful life for himself and his family (which you can read about on his blog) – and I couldn’t be more proud. 

Brandon, Jennifer, Emily & Marie

Happy Birthday, Brandon!

Do you have a Brandon memory you’d like to share??

(12) Comments   


Kristin on May 8th, 2009 at 2:56 am

Happy Birthday Brandon!!

Oh, I have lots of memories of Brandon. He was the cutest little thing. So tiny as he would lay on the board that was his bed for several weeks.

One of my favorite memories of brandon was when it was old enough to walk, but still a very little guy. It was christmas time and we had our tree up. Brandon appeared in front of us holding the shiny glass balls that had hung on the christmas tree. I think he found them fascinating, and he had pulled the glass off the small metal hook part, which still hung on the tree. When we explained we needed to keep them on the tree, he happily went back to the tree with the balls in his hands. I was amazed to see that as a little tiny kid, he knew EXACTLY where each ball went on the tree. Had I taken them off the tree, I doubt I’d have so easily been able to return them to their proper place.

He loved our dog Nickalus so much my mom & allison even made a lovely icing sculpture of the dog to put on his birthday cake. Very cute.

I have always found brandon to be very respectful and really fun to be around. And he has always made me very proud.

I love you brandon! Happy birthday!

Chris on May 8th, 2009 at 7:39 am

Happy Birthday Brandon! I don’t even know that we’ve ever met, but I’ve only ever heard great things about Brandon, and I adore his Mom, sister and Aunty. Your children (and grandchildren) are a herd of geniuses. I’ve never seen a more talented, creative bunch.

Have a great day, Brandon!

Kaylyn on May 8th, 2009 at 7:52 am

Happy Birthday Brandon! 🙂

That was such a great post. I don’t know him at all, but now I feel like I do.

Jean on May 8th, 2009 at 11:17 am

Living in Las Vegas I did not get to spend much time with Brandon. Allison thank you for this post. I am greatful for blogs, facebook, family websites and all the other tools we have today to keep in touch and connect with family. I read Brandon, Jennifer and Ashley’s blogs regularly and I helps me know who they are. As I see it Brandon You are a sucessful, wonderful Son, Father , husband and brother. and BTW
Happy Birthday Brandon.

Allison you have raised two very wonderful children, I continue to be amazed and delighted at their accomplishments.

irene on May 8th, 2009 at 11:35 am

Happy Birthday to one of the very nicest, talented,and good people I have ever known. You make me so proud!
I love you Brandioniboni

Jennifer Pearce on May 8th, 2009 at 1:31 pm

Thank you for raising such a wonderful son!! Of course, I think he is practically perfect in every way. 🙂

I’m actually not sure if I’ve heard the Nanny/bathroom story yet or not. I shall have to ask him about that. 🙂

I have a fairly recent funny memory to share. After Brandon went to his auditions for Joseph he felt just like a kid again, and began acting like one too! We went to the grocery store later that night and he was dancing all over the place while pushing the girls in their “car” shopping cart at Harmons. I think he may have run into at least two or three other shoppers during the trip, due to all his high energy and exuberance. There was just no calming him down, and I didn’t really attempt to try. It was just too entertaining to watch him being all jovial!

Kristin, I am very shocked (in a pleased sort of way) that Brandon had such an affection for your dog Nickalus! He isn’t very fond of dogs nowadays, and I always tease him about it.

Ashley Rae on May 8th, 2009 at 1:34 pm

Aw, Brandon. I love this post, mom. It made me laugh quite a few times. He is SUCH an amazing person and I am proud to say he is my brother. Something magical (and very strange) happens when he and I get together. We do go nuts. And I love it.

He is so super smart. He can do anything he puts his mind to. And I mean anything. And he’s such a sweet, loving person.

I completely remember the night he came home and asked if he could stay out late. LOL… You told him not to come back until after 1. Ha ha

Happy birthday, big brother!

Jennifer Pearce on May 8th, 2009 at 2:05 pm

I love the look of concentration on his face as he is trying to pop the bubble. 🙂

Brandon Pearce on May 8th, 2009 at 2:20 pm

Oh, Mom! You’re so sweet! Thanks for the post, and a reminder of the fun memories. I laughed several times, and had forgotten about the car accident incident.

I still don’t know where “Dags” came from, but for those who don’t know – that’s where I took my e-mail and website address from – to form “Brandags”. I get asked about that a lot.

I remember graduation night as well. When I asked if I could stay out, you said something like, “You’d better stay out! And don’t you dare come home before midnight!” I thought that was great. 🙂

Mom, you’re the best! And thanks to everyone else for your comments.

Michelle on May 9th, 2009 at 8:45 am

Allison, thanks for the great post, really funny and great memories. I remember visiting you at the hospital and being so scared for you, I couldn’t believe what you were going through with Brandon.

I remember being at your apt and asking Brandon to play the keyboard for me, he played beautifully of course, and I realized very quickly what a talent he has…but then again look who his parents are!

Happy Birthday Brandon

Lauren on May 9th, 2009 at 12:21 pm

I’d like to hear the one about the Nanny/bathroom incident again….Miss you guys! Wasn’t there one about packing ice when we were in California? I can’t remember.

Brett on May 9th, 2009 at 4:45 pm

Happy Birthday! I don’t know you and I am a distant friend of your Mom, BUT any
one that went on a mission to NIHON is awesome! I went to Sendai…FYI

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