Posted on Sep 3rd, 2009 by Allison (Reviews/Recommendations)

Frost DoughnutsI enjoyed my last Frost doughnut (or 4) on Tuesday.

You see, after taking the summer off of my hcg diet, and having put on a few more pounds than I’d like (due, in no small part to Frost, I might add), I am back to my very restrictive eating plan again.

The good news is I’ve already lost over 2 lbs. The sad news is no more Frost Doughnuts.

What is a Frost Doughnut you ask?

A charming new, locally owned doughnut shop opened in Mill Creek Town Center this summer. Doughnuts are not my usual treat of choice (though I would never pass up an offer of a warm Krispy Kreme) – but this place has a special charm and I decided to try them out.

frost-maple-baconI started with a maple bar (my favorite). OMG, it was the best – I mean the THE BEST, melt-in-your-mouth maple bar I’d ever eaten. I knew right away that Frost was going to be trouble.

I made the mistake of joining Frost’s Facebook page – and began receiving daily updates on what deliciousness was being served up.  I saw the most intriguing names, such as Southern Red Velvet, White Chocolate Truffle, Aztec Chocolate, Tropical Storm, and many, many more.   They called to me……

Hannah is oh, so helpful at FrostsHannah got to know me pretty well over the next month or so…. I’d walk in and she’d tell me immediately if they were out of maple bars. Sometimes I could turn around and walk right back out.

Other times, I couldn’t resist the temptation to try other flavors. She was exceedingly evil and gave me a sample of the Smoky Bacon Maple Bar, pictured above.   Yes, that’s bacon on the top.  Sounds strange but it’s delicious.

I should mention that the same week Frost opened, Top Pot Doughnuts (who claim to be “the best”) opened in the University Book Store – literally just a walk across the parking lot from Frost. Top had a “free doughnut” coupon in the local paper so I decided to try and compare. I got a maple bar, of course, and it was HUGE. But it was dry and cakey – not at all like my melty, sweet Frost maple bar.  No comparison – Frost wins, hands down.

Southern Red VelvetThe traditional Maple Bar is my favorite, but I also tried and enjoyed Southern Red Velvet (with cream cheese frosting), and found myself craving the moist Cherry Bomb now and then.  The Aztec Chocolate were sinful.  The Wedding Cake doughnut tasted just like white wedding cake topped with buttercream frosting.  Lots more varieties to be sampled, but the maple bars usually win out.

But now, sadly, my love affair with Frost has ended – at least for 2009. I’m sure one day I will again walk in and indulge in another yummy maple bar…. but not for awhile.

Until then, I encourage you to stop in at Frost Doughnuts next time you’re in Mill Creek. The ambiance is charming, the staff friendly and the culinary offerings delicious. And they offer free wi-fi. It’s a “feel good” kind of place owned by three friends who live just up the street.

Frost Doughnuts on UrbanspoonLast night as I drove by, I noticed the store was filled with happy customers, sitting up to the bar chatting happily and enjoying their coffee and doughnuts. It warmed my heart.

What is your favorite doughnut flavor?

(12) Comments   


Anne Heartsong on September 3rd, 2009 at 9:59 pm

OMG Allison! Your writing is so good that I’m actually tasting the maple bar now. I just started a no carb diet so I’m feeling much sadness that I cannot/will not visit Frost anytime soon. But I’ll periodically visit your blog again and get the “taste.” Hugs.

Ashley Rae on September 4th, 2009 at 8:30 am

Yeah, I’ve never been a huge doughnut fan. I mean, they’re good and all, but not my top choice of sugary treats. However, those pictures look absolutely divine. And if I were to choose my favorite type of doughnut, it would have to be the “old fashioned” doughnut. Mmmmm.

Michelle on September 4th, 2009 at 11:59 am

I loved your maple bar description, but sadly there weren’t any when I was there with you. It is such a cute shop, and the staff so very friendly. Their coffee is great too. I love Mill Creek! You are lucky to live in such a gorgeous town.

Chris on September 4th, 2009 at 12:04 pm

Donuts are evidence that God wants us to be happy. Dunkin Donuts are my favorite, I literally cannot stop eating them.

kaylyn on September 4th, 2009 at 12:10 pm

I think I’m gaining weight just by looking at those photos.


paul on September 4th, 2009 at 5:47 pm

Years ago when I worked at Trolley Square I went to Schmits Bakery almost daily, and got myself what I called “THE DEATH WAD”. It was this beautiful raised dough delight stuffed with Bavarian cream. Crammed so full that the the dough inside was compressed to the consistancy of sacrament bread when you wad it up.
As if this wasn’t perfect, they topped it with a heavy layer of chocolate fudge topping. Thank god I was smoking alot at the time, because I would have this for brunch and I was good for the rest of the day as long as I had a menthol handy.

Allison on September 4th, 2009 at 5:51 pm

That does sound like a little piece of heaven, Paul.

craig on September 4th, 2009 at 5:54 pm

When I was a kid it was “Spudnuts”. The Spudnut Shop was across the street from JC Penney in the big city of Provo. We only went to Provo for school clothes and Spudnuts – every August. What an adventure. I’m not sure if anyone still makes doughnuts using potato flour but I swear they were the precursor to Krispy Kreme. Yummy memories!!!

Jennifer Pearce on September 5th, 2009 at 10:26 am

Mmmm…I will be checking that place out for myself next time we are up for a visit. 🙂

Robert on September 5th, 2009 at 6:30 pm

Maple bars are great, but my favorite was always Apple fritters. And in Idaho they are loaded with apples and crispy and wonderful. Here, they are more puffy and have far less apple.. I do not like them here. I once worked at a bakery where I had to make doughnuts each morning, and I’m telling you, there is nothing more addictive than an old fashioned (buttermilk) doughnut about 3 minutes out of the fat and freshly covered with the sugar.

Luckily I haven’t had a craving for them in the last 5 or 7 years…

Oh, and Bavarian cream are always good…

Jean on September 7th, 2009 at 11:18 pm

They were delivered door to door (hot no less) when we lived in Clearfield Utah in the 1950’s….They were melt in the mouth wonderful… A lot like Krispy Kreemes but better… But then didn’t everything taste better in our youngest days?

Tay Talk on September 8th, 2009 at 11:27 am

Oh my goodness. How amazing does that red velvet treat look!? I love maple too. I need something sweet asap.

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