Posted on Aug 16th, 2010 by Allison (Reviews/Recommendations)

My mom recently spent a week visiting here in Seattle. It was all the excuse I needed for another Savor Seattle tour.

Since taking the Pikes Place Market food tour in 2008, Angela and company at Savor Seattle have introduced a Chocolate Indulgence Tour. Apparently, along with coffee and fresh seafood, Seattle has developed a reputation for great Chocolate.  It’s no secret that the sweet tooth runs in our family, so choosing this 2 hour walking tour was a no brainer.

We invited my siblings and their spouses to join us. We met up with our spunky guide, Amy, and the 8 other guests, put on our cool wireless headsets and were on our way.

We started off at Oliver’s Lounge at the Mayflower Hotel, where the bartender created a chocolate cocktail for everyone… except us.

Since we’re non-drinkers, we opted in advance for hot cocoa.  But after hearing him talk about what goes into the cocktail and watching him create it, I really wish I’d tried it (even with the likelihood that I wouldn’t like it).

Next time I take the tour – and believe me, there will be a next time – no substitutions for me.

Next stop was The Dahlia bakery – owned by renown Seattle chef Tom Douglas.

There we sampled his famous Triple Coconut Cream Pie and a completely decadent chocolate truffle cookie – which  Seattle Magazine named as one of Seattle’s best desserts.   So moist, so delicious! Mmmmm…

I want one right now.

And we’re walking….. we’re walking….

We made our way to The Chocolate Box to sample gelato, sweet mini cupcakes and absolutely TO DIE FOR Chocolate Enrobed Brownies.


Doesn’t that sound decadent? Moist brownies enrobed in chocolate.  So moist they were almost like fudge (but better).  I think that was my favorite taste of the day.  And we came back here after dinner (at Machiavelli’s, of course) to pick up more brownies (and tried both the Walnut and Rocky Road varieties – both delicious).

After that we wandered on over to Pikes Place Market for a stop at The Confectional.

There we enjoyed delicious, rich Colombian Sipping Chocolate so thick you could use it as a topping. It had a bit of spice added, and tasted a lot like I imagine Juliette Binoche’s character, Vianne, served in the wonderful movie Chocolat, also starring Johnny Depp. One of my favorite movies – you should really see it if you haven’t.

But I digress…

An even bigger hit was the White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake. This shop is another ‘must visit’ stop if you’re ever in Seattle.

All of their cheesecakes are made in individual serving sizes – so perfect for on the go. And lots of delicious flavors to choose from.

From there we walked to Kukuruza Gourmet Popcorn where not only did we get to sample yummy chocolate coated popcorn, but we were entertained by a dancing employee. Awesome. Some of us also tried the cheddar and caramel popcorn mix, as well as a lavender lemonade variety (which smelled like lavender, but tasted like lemonade, imo).  All quite delicious.

Our last stop was Fran’s Chocolates. Three luscious treats awaited us:

  • a dark chocolate truffle (my favorite)
  • a raspberry truffle (Kristin’s favorite?)
  • a salted caramel (President Obama’s favorite – as well as many of the people on the tour)

And then our tour of deliciousness was at an end, sweet tooth satisfied.

All along the way we learned fascinating information about the history of chocolate, where it comes from, how it is made, as well as chocolate’s unique place in Seattle culture. 

If you like chocolate, I recommend this tour highly – and suggest that if you take it while visiting Seattle, do so near the beginning of your stay so you can take advantage of the merchant discount card you’ll receive at the end of the tour. It’s good for 10 days at ALL of the businesses where Savor Seattle tours – not just those on the chocolate tour.

So, who’s going to come visit me next so we can take this tour together?? 🙂

Now, where’s my chocolate…

(16) Comments   


Ashley Rae on August 16th, 2010 at 9:40 pm

My mouth is watering.

I can’t wait to do this when we come up…

craigthegrey on August 16th, 2010 at 9:49 pm

The sipping chocolate at The Confectional tasted a lot like the Aztec Spice chocolate, one of our favorites from Boehms in Issaquah.

Everything on the tour was very good, I had a hard time picking a favorite, the cheesecake was very good and I liked the popcorn a lot. They drizzled a lot of chocolate on the popcorn, except the lavender lemonade one. Lavender and lemonade sort of stand on their own I guess….

Allison on August 17th, 2010 at 12:18 am

Ashley, these brownies give Judge a run for their money. Though the frosting on Judge Brownies is so good… Hmmmm.

Perhaps you’ll need to bring a Judge Brownie (or two) along with you so we can do a side-by-side taste test/comparison.

Kristin on August 17th, 2010 at 12:33 am

It was ALL so wonderful. Every bit of it. But the enrobed brownies were my favorite. And it was a lot of fun to go with the sibs, spouses and mom.

I would love to go again sometime.

Ashley Rae on August 17th, 2010 at 8:17 am

That is a great idea, mom. I actually haven’t had a judge brownie in quite a while… I will make sure to bring a few up with me 🙂

Jennifer Pearce on August 17th, 2010 at 8:21 am

Mmmmm…so mouthwatering, all of it. You picked such a lovely place to live. 🙂

I wish we were a bit closer myself, but since we’re not, I think I will have to make myself some brownies today.

Marie actually requested yesterday that I make brownies for her today, and this blog post just cemented the deal. 🙂

Michelle on August 17th, 2010 at 9:14 am

Yummmmm your descriptions were so mouth watering, and how fun that you got to do this with your mom! Growing up in Holbrook we lived next to a lady that loved to bake and she made chocolate popcorn! It’s nice to know that someone else makes it too…As always you did a great job with your photos and writing…thanks for sharing this.

Brandon Pearce on August 17th, 2010 at 1:43 pm

Wow, so…much…delicious….chocolate!! I’d love to try it all. Although I have a pretty weak stomach for it – usually get a little sick if I eat more than a few rich pieces (depending on what’s in it). But I still think it would be worth it to go on this tour. Glad you could do it with everybody. How fun!

Robert on August 17th, 2010 at 1:58 pm

My God you all must have been absolutely high on sugar.. : ) Wish I’d been there… Although I cannot hold my sugar like I could when I was younger. Had I tried everything you described it would have put me in bed..

paul on August 17th, 2010 at 5:57 pm

I love brownies. Remember the Puddin Cake mix we had as kids? It’s probably against the law, because of all the chemicals. Your chocolate tour looks awesome.

Anne Heartsong on August 17th, 2010 at 9:49 pm

I am drooling… beautiful descriptions and pictures!!

Kaylyn on August 19th, 2010 at 9:20 am

Sounds devine! Can I come next time? 🙂

stephanie crocker on August 19th, 2010 at 1:32 pm

Wow, that sounds like a great tour and what a great way to treat out of town guests and yourself too!!

I think I’ll have to have hook up with that tour guide when my mom’s in town!

Irene on August 19th, 2010 at 2:42 pm

YUM!, YUM, tickles my taste buds all over again.Most everything tasted just so delicious and the company was fabulous. I had such fun. Thanks you.

Chris on August 19th, 2010 at 10:00 pm

That sounds AMAZING. Those brownies should be illegal! I am in for anything chocolate.

Aunt Kathy on August 21st, 2010 at 8:30 pm

I’ve gained weight just looking at these photo’s! Wow Allison, I know what we are going to do on my next visit. How great that your mom got to share such a fun experience with her family.

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